11 July 2009

Say cheese!

If you tell Liam to "Say Cheese!", he will grin. But I haven't used it for taking photos. It was just something I would do to him and then give him this big cheesey grin so he would know what I mean.

Today, I thought I would try to capture our photos together since we have so few. I was bored, waiting for the girls to finish with their hair. I sat back, said, "Say Cheese!" and snapped this photo.

And this one...

I had no idea I could use that for photos. I will clearly be taking advantage of that now.

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Anonymous said...

So cute!

Only the Sheppards said...

Very sweet...

Mimi said...

Your right Jen, I hadn't thought of that either when you say "cheese" to make him smile and then take a pic. He is so adorable...

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures Jenn!

Anonymous said...

Those are such sweet pictures! Clearly happy and cuddly with Mommy. Can't wait to see more.
