Since I wrote mom's post last year on Halloween she thought I should follow tradition and do it again this year too!
Can't you tell what I am?
I'm an OWL!
Mom made it for me.
I heard her say it took her less than 10 minutes and only $10 to do.
I guess that's good, right?
I do know I loved wearing my hat!
It was fun to grab it and pull it down over my face! And I loved just holding onto it.
And every time mommy made those silly owl sounds I would laugh.
I can not keep a straight face when they get all silly like that!
We live outside of town so we had to drive into some neighborhoods to go trick or treating.
I did get bored after a while though.
Since I can't go up on everyone's porch in my chair, I decided I'd rather stay in the car with mom and dad while my brother and sisters went door to door.
That was fun.
I got to sit in the front seat!
I was really happy that Rylie went with us this year.
She looked so pretty.
She thinks she's getting too old but I was glad to have her with me.
I think she loves me a lot. Look at that kiss she gave me!
I really love her too.
I don't know what Ian and Aidan were.
Luckily I don't get scared about stuff like that.
And Ian kept taking his mask off so I could see him under there.
They did get a lot of candy!
I'm not sure what all the excitement was though.
I'm still of the mindset that food isn't very much fun.
But, maybe one day I'll check out what that chocolate stuff is.
My mom says it's amazing and helps her get through the day...whatever that means.
I still think food is over rated.
Mom says I'm in the minority.
And I don't know what that means either.
Oh well.
I hope you all had a great Halloween like I did!
And that you got lots of that chocolate stuff too!
I sure know it makes my mommy happy.