My good friend Sandy- who had a stillbirth with her fourth baby 2 weeks after I lost Kyle Ann- is pregnant again! YEA!!! I am sooo happy for her. She is 10 weeks today. So- she is exactly 8 weeks behind me. I am praying for her in ways only the two of us can understand.... I'm just so excited for her!
We had family pictures taken last night for our church and they turned out pretty good! It's hard enough with 3 kids- I can't imagine what it will be like with the twins added in. I wanted to get one of those big family portraits for the wall but I figured that would be silly with new family members on the way.
I got the changing table this past week and have it put up in our room. I plan to go to Raleigh soon and go to Babys-R-Us. It is the closest one. Shawn said- "Don't get too much now cuz we will just have to store it." But- twin pregnancies are cut short by a month anyway. So that gives me less time to get ready. I normally thoroughly enjoy being pregnant but I can't wait for these guys to get here!
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