Liam got his sweet looking Batman suit today. Boy he looks good in it too! This is the SPIO (which stands for Stabilizing Pressure Input Orthosis) that I have been wanting to try out on him for the last year. I'm keeping fingers crossed that insurace will pay for it because by having to go through an orthotist and have them bill insurance/medicaid the cost more than doubled to $450 where as if I bought it outright from SPIO it would have only cost $180. That is what is wrong with insurance and medicaid today...but that's another post.
This vest is so much nicer than the last ones we have trialed. This one has a lycra front that is smooth and form fitting. The back is neoprene and it has a crotch strap keeping it in place. And it goes down low onto his hips for additional stability and input which he sorely needs. Liam's sensory system is all wonky and this vest helps to give him the input he's missing for his core.

The SPIO seems to be made much better than the others we have tried, looks a whole lot better on and Liam was able to wear it all day today with no fussing.
He can easily wear it under his clothes and since it's winter we won't have to worry about him getting hot. The other vests we've used were too thick to wear comfortably next to the skin.
If we could just get Liam stronger in his core it would help him with everything else as well.