29 February 2008

Feb 29, 2008

If you are still praying for us- Liam needs continued prayer for his eyes. He has another follow up exam on Mon so please be in prayer that his vessels are growig properly! The vessels have to grow through his eyes in order for him to have vision. In preemies they can grow abnormally or not at all. Liam had the surgery cuz his weren't growing. Now we need them to grow and grow correctly. And Liam is up to 3 lbs 11 oz. He still gets most of his feeds thru the NG tube in his nose. He nurses a few times a day but we still supplement with an NG feed after he nurses. He needs to build up the strength and stamina to nurse. So- as of now we are just waiting for Liam to learn to take all of his own meals and then we can go home...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!
What awesome news!
We are so thrilled that Liam is doing so well. We will all pray for his eyes and his strength -- hopefully you all will be coming home very soon.
Love and prayers from
All the Cashions!

Wether News said...

Still praying!

Anonymous said...

Hebrews 10:36 ~ "Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive what He has promised."

Thank God for all His mercies, blessings, and grace He has shed upon us. Liam is a little man after God's own heart. He is a warrior, a fighter. May the Lord continue to meet all your needs according to the promises we have through Christ. And may God continue showing His miracles in Liam and his life. Amen!

Anonymous said...

we are still praying! Glad that he has gained some weight. We will continue to pray for his eyes too!
Ray and Nena

Anonymous said...

Jen, of course we're still praying! He is so precious. I will be praying today!
Suzanne S.