So I got good news from the endoscopy- no damage to my throat. It feels damaged- so I was surprised with that. He said there is no magic pill to take away my symptoms so I don't need to bop around changing Drs. Excuse me? Don't they make reflux meds so people will feel better??? Have someone sit on your chest and try to breath. I feel like that daily. I also hate burping all the time like I've just guzzled a soda. Or, how about getting clogged vocal chords every day that keep you clearing your throat all the time..... I sound frustrated, huh? ;-)
New video of Liam laughing. It's just so sweet to watch his face light up!
Irish eyes are smiling:

Smiles are contagious:
I just joined a christianmicropreemies group and seen your post about Liams cerebellum damage, my Kellar had a cerebellum bleed as well. It's not very often you find other parents that have children w/this sort of damage, I think I have met maybe 4 others, I really feel there are more out there with this damage but test were not done and it is undetected. Your lil man is precious, and those blue eyes are gorgeous..
I just wanted to let you know that I still read your blog and pray for you and your family. You guys have come such a long way and you are such a strong woman.
allison (eternalagape17 on TMMB)
How cute, Liam is so adorable! Isn't it great to hear them laugh it makes all worries disappear.
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