I don't want to drown. Not in debt, not in doubts and not in fear. So we are stepping out with faith and taking the plunge and praying that our awesome God will keep us afloat.
I leave for Virginia tomorrow. I will be gone 4 days. Liam will get therapy there with Carla Reed, a woman who was a regular physical therapist for 18 or so years and now practices using the Anat Baniel method. We will get two sessions a day for 3-4 days. I am excited for many reasons. I am hoping it will be a therapy that Liam responds well to. I am hoping it will answer questions and doubts. And most of all I am hoping that through this experience we will be able to give all of the experiences to Liam that he needs to grow and prosper and become the best little person that he can be. God has an amazing plan for him and our family and for those who have come to know him. We are praying for great results from this trip and that it is time and money well spent.
I have not felt like we shouldn't go. I talked with everyone involved with Liam from his pediatrician to all of his therapists and everyone was for it. How much more affirmation do we need to know that we should go? So, we are off tomorrow on Liams first major trip. I am taking cleaning supplies so I can disinfect the hotel and I was very close to packing the carpet shampooer, LOL, because I am afraid of the germs. But I didn't think I would like what I found in the shampooer when I was done and I figured it would take about 4-5 shampooes to get hotel carpet clean. I will be bringing my own comforter and Liams bassinet along with about 15 outfits for Liam due to all the vomit. We are bringing his bouncy seat, basket of toys and a stroller. Hmmm...I hope I have room for my things.
Praying for you and Liam on your trip. We hope it is super successful! Call us if you need any help with kids this weekend!! We are around all weekend. Love you guys,
You will be in my prayers too. I hope this method is what is needed to help. What an amazing strength of faith in God you have. You inspire me in my walk with Him. God Bless...
Nicce share
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