04 April 2010

Happy Easter!

This is Liam's 3rd Easter!
Although I wish he could participate in enjoying a basket filled with candy, he did partake of his siblings Reese's peanut butter eggs! He actually ate some of it. Shawn has always introduced the kids to chocolate and Liam is no exception! Shawn let him lick and nibble some bites of it and Liam really liked it. Enough so that he got chocolate all over his face.

I wanted to put something in Liam's basket this year but since he doesn't eat candy I decided to put some toys in it. The box was too big for both so I put the train in the basket and just set the other beside it.

When Liam saw his basket he reached right out to play with the toys in it. He's been enjoying playing with his new train today.

And just for a comparison, here is Liam with his Easter basket for his last three Easter's:

He's grown up quite a bit!

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