23 August 2010

At the beach!

I haven't taken Liam to the beach before because, well, it's just a pain to think about doing.

But, some friends of ours had a place at the beach recently and we decided to take go ahead and take Liam for the first time.

And he loved it.

You can see him smiling big in this photo. When the waves would come in he would laugh and laugh.

After a little while, Liam started fussing and nothing I did would calm him down. We tried the pool at the condo, but the mosquitoes were all over him. And at this time it was starting to get pretty dark. And because he now has a 'fear' of the dark, I think that sent him over the edge. 

Luckily, because we were with our friends, I was able to take him inside and lay him in the tub to get all the sand off. After getting all cleaned up, we went into the living room, with all the lights on, and he was happy as could be.

I was excited to finally get Liam to the beach but it reinforced my previous thought that it's an awful lot of trouble. : )

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