Well, after getting the news about Liams head scan I felt my world again turn upside down this month. But- I have my hope in Christ- knowing God hears our families cries for mercy...
PRAYER: Please pray with us in regards to Liams fluid in his brain: That there would be NO additional fluid in his brain at Tues. scan or that the Dr was wrong in what they think they saw on the scan.
Please pray that Liam would stop having seizures. The medication they put him on to stop seizures had gotten high in his body and that can bring on the seizures!
Please pray that Liams blood pressure would regulate itself. He is swinging pretty good on the pressure and they need to see a constant good pressure.
Praise: The Dr. believes they saved Liams lungs! PRAISING GOD as we know he is the One who worked through the Dr. If there is going to be lung damage she thinks it would be small. He has had good blood gases and they have been slowly weaning his vent settings! Thank you all for standing with us in prayer for Liam with his tiny lungs.
1 comment:
"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~Jeremiah 17:14
Lord, you say that when your word goes out from our mouths that it will not return empty, but will accomplish what you desire. May this be your desire dear Lord: that Liam's brain will be free of liquid and that you will free him from his seizures. You are great Lord; you are mighty in power. Lay your healing hands on Liam, O Lord, for we know you have plans for him. AMEN!
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